Humanity happens by choice, not chance. The story of Dr. Amerish Bera revolves around the same as the heroic creature desires to serve his community on the loose. The first-generation American born, Bera is a physician turned congressman representing California’s 7th Congressional District in the U.S. House of representatives. An optimistic man thinks about the best possible things to happen and Bera is an epitome to optimism. The man in question started his life story in 1958 when his parents immigrated to the US from Rajkot (Gujarat). Born in Los Angeles and brought up in La Palma, California, Ami has truly considered America to be a place that is known for fresh new chances. On the educational front, Bera possesses a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences along with an M.D. from the University of California at Irvine. However, he adopted...
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