Smile Its You!
“Life is like a mirror, it smiles at you if you look at it smiling.”
Said Jim Morrison, but no one believes it now!
Last month, on 3 July, the USA celebrated Compliment Your Mirror Day. Who initiated this, no one knows till date. Though celebrating it the easiest yet the most difficult as well. All that you need to do is stand in front of a mirror, or sit, and compliment the person you see. Tell that person how perfect he/she is, how fabulous, how awesome and better than anyone!
Sounds silly? But don’t we all need it right now? In fact, complimenting your mirror shouldn’t be limited to any one day but it should be a daily, rather hourly, practice. Though, better to kickstart on one particular day.
The harsh world that we live in forces us to have an inferiority complex. We often think, “oh! I might not be able to do it” or “I am too fat to wear this dress” or “I am not tall enough” or “that guy doesn’t like me” or “she is staring at me, do I look that weird”, and what not! Such negativity we create around ourselves and eventually come to believe it. And it eventually starts reflecting in our daily lives.
Now for a change, let’s take some time out for giving ourselves positive vibes. Let’s compliment ourselves, feel happy about ourselves and see how it changes our attitude and perspective of the people around us! Let’s stop the negative natter, at least for a day. At first, it will be a challenge to compliment yourself; in fact, it will be a challenge a feature that you love and want to compliment. Yet, focus, find one out, no matter how long it takes… and go gaga over yourself. Be your friend before you befriend anyone, find the positives in your personality and go “How fab am i!”, “Damn, my eyes are so perfectly shaped!”
Haven’t we all forgotten how incredible we are. As silly as it sounds, once there, you start affirming the beauties you hide in yourself. No, it will not enhance your physical beauty, but will be give you confidence to accept yourself as you are and thus able you better to focus on what you should. It thus renders you more time to work taking you towards your dream. A small happiness in one can make a chain reaction and thus make your surroundings a better place.
Don’t they say, smile is a contagious thing? Start with smiling at and with yourself and see how you can bring about a change.
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who’s the … You have a firm answer now!
Do let us know if you tried complimenting yourself and couldn’t help flashing a smile. We are all for you at info@maneeshmedia.com.