Trinity of a Timeless Journey—Recognition
Dr. Hardarshan Singh Valia
The perfect example of romanticism with classicism, Dr. Hardarshan Singh Valia is complete man, a scientist who is in love with literature. To his name are many published articles in science journals and in books but equally visible on the landscape of his life journey are scores of stories, poems, story book for children in Hindi & English. To his name are also two patents and new ideas of coke production and quality predictions for steel industry. And equally important are some of his poetic thoughts on ‘what propels life to evolve’ chosen for display on the sidewalk of this adopted city. The man who chose to walk the “road less travelled” shares his creativity!

Dr. B.B. Jaju
Dr. B.B. Jaju is a rising star in the world of alternative medicine. After completing his MBBS from JLN Medical College, Ajmer (Rajasthan), he decided to master cure-oriented therapies instead of control-oriented Allopathy. His favourite saying is “Tell the whole universe – we need cure, not mere control.” He is in favour of non-invasive much milder ‘flower’-like healing methods and opposes the invasive ‘thorn’-like therapies. He is against the overperformed and unnecessary surgical procedures and claims to have cured hundreds of surgical cases with nutrition therapy and saved them from undergoing the knife. He plans to write down a book on nutritional management of medical emergencies in near future.

Bhupeshchandra Narottam Patel
The CEO of B.N. Patel & Associates, one of the largest financers in Houston, this man grew up in the times of independence, listening to the stories of some of the fighters. Although he had later moved to Kenya, he could never get those stories of inspiration, Mahatma Gandhi, Pt. Nehru, Sardar Patel. The inspiration then works for him and his team till date. For him the secret recipe of success is no secret anymore; it has just a handful of ingredients needed that we need to ingrain in our lifestyles for success in professional or personal lives. The ingredients are a part of our daily lives, and our requirement too; it is just the ignorance or the lack of awareness that keeps us away, says he. (Psst psst: Education, Passion, Direction, Values and Continuity.)

Beena Hora
Born, brought up and educated in India, Beena Hora migrated to Thailand and is now a stalwart member of the Indian community in Bangkok. The canvas of her life shows vast experience of teaching, research done on the use of natural plant products to be healthy resulting in authoring the book, Simple Steps to Being Healthy and Looking Great, and writing poetry and romantic shayari. A very spiritual, creative and emotional person, she connects passionately with nature and people. It is the natural rhythms of everyday life that she expresses eloquently in words in a very simple easily comprehensible language. She believes, “Beautiful writing isn’t about the words one uses, it is about the emotions one evokes!”