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Social Distancing

COVID-19 Coronavirus brings people closer

Forced confinement to our homes on account of the Coronavirus has led people to resort to various innovative ways and means to either occupy themselves or interact across various digital platforms. Some among us have books, yet some are quick to buy online books to continue with their reading.

While men are mostly talking about business-related matters, the women are going yakitty-yak-yak on their mobiles, talking their heads off nineteen to the dozen. In pre-Coronavirus days without any restrictions on mingling or mixing, the ladies got their adrenaline rush with their regular doses of juicy neighbourhood gossip. But the exchange over the cellphones is of a more mundane nature. Now the talk centres around the prices of fruits, vegetables, milk and dry provisions like rice, wheat flour, pulses, cooking oils and sugar or about who’s getting what from where and how. Another favourite topic of discussion is recipes. I wonder how many ladies use the options of ebook download to browse through some yummy recipe tips. I’m sure it would lessen the load on their phone batteries, on their vocal chords and on their ears as well. But under the circumstances, I suppose it’s all right.

But then again, there are a lot of ways that coronavirus is bringing families into a closer, more intimate circle of love and bonhomie.

A friend tells me that nowadays he and his wife enjoy playing board games with their two kids. “We now enjoy playing board games like Chinese Checkers, Ludo and Draughts together. I’m also teaching both my daughters how to play Chess; under no situation would this have been possible, except for now because of the conditions forced upon us by coronavirus. “Now we also like to switch on the music and practice those super steps of Bollywood dances”.

The choice of some free ebooks downloading seems like God-gift these days. While these digital versions don’t need to be delivered by humans, in case someone does touch your gadget, you can always sanitize them. Additionally, these books can also help people to brush up skills on an endless array of activities from yoga to aerobics, to flower arrangement to zumba dancing. At the same time, no additional physical stuff gathering in your home!

Now isn’t that some cool kind of family bonding. Only a few weeks ago, the typical family get together around lunch or dinner at home or at a restaurant, was more or less like this: Everybody is sitting at the table, the food is served in their plate and getting cold, yet all four family members are totally engrossed in different worlds, completely lost deep inside their phones. Even the facility of free ebooks download can point people in the right direction giving them the necessary guidelines to utilize the spare time properly and learn new skills or hobbies. It is so good to see people enjoying the simple pleasures of life; pleasures that this generation, brought up on digital gizmos, don’t even know exist.

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