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Love yourself: Indulge in Coffee Table Books and Pets!

Buy books online, read in bed, adopt pets, let them disturb you as you read… Doesn’t that define heaven!

What more if you get to buy books on pet-care! Well, yes there are many, visit a store, virtual or real, and you’ll know. Pets have an aura of charm around them that makes you want to cuddle them and care for them as much as possible. However, the right care, which includes medical care, too is important. And well, once you do have a pet, you realise caring for animals is not all that easy and thus books come in handy to understand their various expressions. Yet, a veterinary guidance remains a must!

You may start with the innumerable online coffee table books on pets, though some dog-owners will tell you that their dogs have a good appetite for books. They are not too choosy about authors or titles, but they don’t mind chewing and digesting some pages of literature. But canines don’t find ebooks too appealing, since they’re not to savvy with virtual reality. We in India seem to display a certain sort of natural inclination for pedigree dogs, more than we’d have for the Indian breeds. We tend to call our indigenous dogs as stray. LOL! You can see many early-morning walkers or after-dinner stroller taking the air with their dogs on the leash.

While you scroll through your gadget to find your choicest of coffee-table books, you might come across many others too. Yes, these art books have a charm of their own, just like pet do. One of the leading coffee-table book publishers in Jaipur is Maneesh Media. With an experience of publishing for the past 20 years, they have won hearts globally especially among the Indian diaspora.

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