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Personalised books: To give you more

There was a time when biographers had carte blanche authority to depict a man’s life exactly the way it was – warts and all. The idea behind it was to present before readers a true rendition of a man’s life, without any frills or embellishments. But somewhere along the way, a new trend has emerged. At its core, it still remains a biography for all practical purposes, but with a much more beautiful face and lots of make-up of course; picture perfect, one might say. Perhaps if one were to go through some coffee table books online, they may come across specimens of this interesting sub-genre.

Yes, this sub-genre has a name. They are called personalized book. These are customized and tailor-made books, where the main characters’ personas are shaped by their own perceptions of themselves. Money is of no consequence to them. The book must have a ‘feel-good’ factor’, so that it can be read with pride and become a permanent legacy or family heirloom for future generations. A lot of publishing houses around the world have capitalized on this growing trend and have come out with some very good editions of personalized books. The next time you decide to buy online coffee table books, see if you can find yourself one of these.

Among the book publishers in Jaipur that stand out because of their extraordinary work, is Maneesh Media, which has published several personalized books. With offices in India, New York and another opening shortly in Canada together with a massive network of contacts across a gamut of digital platforms, Maneesh Media is in a fantastic position to reach out to people globally and write their stories the way they want them to be written – as personalised books. Or in an array of different formats that the company has on offer.

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