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book publishers

See-Saw weather brings own kind of magic

Ever since the Corona Lockdown came into force across the country, the weather has turned out to be an absolute charmer, although true to its natural temperament of caprice, impulse and uncertainty. Yes, uncertainty is usually a key factor in the way weather tends to behave. But since the last two-three months, we’ve been experiencing equal doses of sun and rain, which follows a predictable pattern on a daily basis. Harsh glare and searing temperatures during the day, by late afternoon the skies are heavily overcast invariably followed by dust or thunderstorms and eventually sharp showers with an appreciable drop in temperatures. book publishers secretly will be very happy about this change: the better the climate, the more the reading. I am sure they’d love this predictable climate to continue till long after the lockdown!

But experts are unable to come up with likely answers for this kind of ‘see-saw’ weather within a 24-hour cycle. And this is not just happening in one place. Apparently it’s happening in a lot of places across India, and across the world as well. Could this be one of Mother Nature’s ways to heal the scars of the Earth and restore its balance and harmony? Books on weather patterns and behavior may throw some light on the subject, so the best thing to do under the circumstances is to find some good books online and get the right info.

In the meanwhile, ordinary folk continue to read the signs and symbols of this kind of weather as a providential intervention to rid the world of suffering and misery. A middle-aged gentleman, who runs a neighbourhood general provision store, thinks the lockdown has been an extremely wise step by world governments to cleanse and depollute the world.  His wife exclaims: “Look at how my hair has become soft, smooth and silky without using any kind of shampoo or conditioners. This is only on account of the considerable drop in air pollution. Also see how the trees and plants are looking so lush and green and lush now. Perhaps, it would do everyone a lot of good if more such controls are introduced to restrict social interaction, even after Corona is gone”. Are the people in power listening? Such ‘voices’ need to be given a patient ear. Those involved in the business of printing

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