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Celebrate This Independence Day with Coffee Table Books!

August 21, 2020 by admin
Celebrate Independence Day
This is our week… the week of India’s independence. There is no sure shot survey for this, yet, we as a nation can definitely feel a surge in loyalty to our nation. However, every 26 January and 15 August, it hurts to see several small-sized Indian flags lying in waste. I have a win-win suggestio...
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What are you having – tea or coffee?

April 21, 2020 by admin
buy ebooks online
The debate over which is a more popular beverage, tea or coffee, never seems to end. Although the odds are squarely stacked in favour of tea, coffee-drinkers stubbornly refuse to admit to the fact and never miss an opportunity to ride their favourite hobby-horse. Even in South America, long regar...
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