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Coffee-table Books Do the Talking!

June 10, 2020 by admin
Books Publishing
A different species is always an excitement to study. For me, books too have different species; people call it different genres. Among all the genres, I find reading coffee table books the easiest. They are big and beautiful; they have a lot of pictures. They are a complete show-off thing. Place ...
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Buy These Coffee Table Books Online to Learn Minimalistic Lifestyle!

May 29, 2020 by admin
Buy Books Online
With the current situation, do we imagine getting back into the same world that we were in? All these days of lockdown have taught us to lead a minimalistic lifestyle. And as we live minimalistically, it is wonderful how the nature has revived itself. Conscious, careful, cautious are the new buzz...
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The Pandemic Makes Online Book Shopping a Heaven

May 20, 2020 by admin
publish books online
Scenario 1: Last minute panic at work. Boss wants you to stay longer, you want to rush out. You try to hurriedly finish it up, but once again… you stay back! You are at work the next morning trying to finish all your tasks. You somehow manage to, though a bit late. You drive, or may be take a cab...
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See-Saw weather brings own kind of magic

May 18, 2020 by admin
book publishers
Ever since the Corona Lockdown came into force across the country, the weather has turned out to be an absolute charmer, although true to its natural temperament of caprice, impulse and uncertainty. Yes, uncertainty is usually a key factor in the way weather tends to behave. But since the last tw...
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Coffee-table books say it differently

May 15, 2020 by admin
Self Book Publishing
They say that a picture or a visual image is worth more than a thousand words. That is why long before speech and writing became integral communication tools that gave civilisations a quantum leap, primitive man just drew everything he wanted to ‘talk about’. A lot of what we know about early man...
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The magic of reading real books

May 5, 2020 by admin
I’m not quite sure what others may have to say about online books , but my feelings on the subject are clear, simple and straight forward: Give me a real, solid book any day, one that I can hold in my hand and feel; virtual reality just ...
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What about laundry and haircuts?

April 29, 2020 by admin
books publishing
A couple of days ago, a news channel report said the Rajasthan government planned to put in place a door-to-door delivery system of vegetables, dry ration, milk and fruits. This is certainly a very positive and pro-active step in the face of problems brought on by the Corona virus. Shut inside ho...
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Personalised books: To give you more

April 24, 2020 by admin
publish your book
There was a time when biographers had carte blanche authority to depict a man’s life exactly the way it was – warts and all. The idea behind it was to present before readers a true rendition of a man’s life, without any frills or embellishments. But somewhere along the way, a new trend h...
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Why Should You Read Autobiographies

April 9, 2020 by admin
publish your books
Think autobiographical books, and you think of some great leaders of different fields from across the world. We Indians tend to buy books at any time, for birthdays or as festival gifts; internationally, books are more of Christmas gifts. Anyhow, why not! They make a good inspirational read for t...
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Love yourself: Indulge in Coffee Table Books and Pets!

March 23, 2020 by admin
buy books online
Buy books online, read in bed, adopt pets, let them disturb you as you read… Doesn’t that define heaven! What more if you get to buy books on pet-care! Well, yes there are many, visit a store, virtual or real, and you’ll know. Pets ha...
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