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The Pandemic Makes Online Book Shopping a Heaven

May 20, 2020 by admin
publish books online
Scenario 1: Last minute panic at work. Boss wants you to stay longer, you want to rush out. You try to hurriedly finish it up, but once again… you stay back! You are at work the next morning trying to finish all your tasks. You somehow manage to, though a bit late. You drive, or may be take a cab...
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Shades of a ‘Grey Ghost’!

May 7, 2020 by admin
Buy Books Online
I don’t know how to begin telling this story. It’s a strange and mysterious tale, almost like a ghost story. But then again I wonder if there is such a thing as ghosts of birds and animals, or of humans, for that matter. I mean, one can’t be too sure about such things. But I do know that it’s jus...
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